Our Strategy Consulting team supports your firm to develop and adapt your mission.
This can either be done from scratch or by adapting your existing strategy to actual developments such as the “internet of things” (Internet der Dinge), Big data, or industry 4.0 (Industrie 4.0). Thereby, we differentiate between a strategic level, a governance level, and an operational level.

The strategic level is based on the firm´s mission and the goal to develop an appropriate strategy in order to realize a competitive advantage. Further, strategic aspects such as controlling instruments or planned profitability / performance KPI´s are proposed, discussed, and adapted to the firm´s needs. Moreover, soft facts such as the organizational culture or the firm´s organizational structure are analyzed. In addition, the leadership and management style are challenged in order to be stringend with the planned mission and strategy. This includes transformation, communication, and change management processes. Therefore, the strategic level enables the middle management to plan and implement strategic and operational processes being aligned with the firm´s strategy, mission, and values.
Derived from the firm´s strategy, the governance level considers aspects such as people, technology, or infrastructure. This might include an analysis of existing IT-tools, business processes, or skill levels of employees. Examples are the development of strategies such as a supply chain strategy or the planning and setup of strategic processes such as Procure-2-Pay or introducing the SCOR model.
The operational level ensures that firms manufacture their products or service in a structured manner; thereby, ensuring agility and flexibility within production and distribution processes. In order to realize the planned performance and profitability (and further defined KPI´s), we support firm´s in various ways by implementing the lean management philosophy and processes, improving customer service processes, securing the supply of goods, or usage of new technologies such as RFID.
In consequence, our management consulting team targets members of the board and executive directors. For consulting projects belonging to the governance level, it depends on the focus of the problem. Strategic aspects are driven by our management consulting team, while specific functional aspects are managed by functional consulting experts. Operational issues are handled by our functional consulting experts.
For questions concerning management consulting, please write an e-mail to strategy@competitive-strategy.net. Please see also our Trends & Technology section.
In case of functional aspects – either from an strategic perspective or from an operational perspective – please see also Procurement, Operations Excellence, and Supply Chain Management.